Team of Experts
Parker B Jones Research Engineer Office: Phone: |
Selected PublicationsTotal Publications by Parker B Jones: 4
Hicks, J., Wall, E. S., Shelly, Z., Jones, P. B., Burch V, R. F., & Reimann, W. (2019). Signal Detection in American Football Play Calling: A Comprehensive Literature Review. Applied Psychology. Cogent Psychology. 6(1), 1703471. DOI:10.1080/23311908.2019.1703471. [Abstract] [Document]
Hamilton, M. A., Jaradat, R. M., Jones, P. B., Wall, E. S., Dayarathna, V., Ray, D., & Hsu, G. (2018). Immersive Virtual Training Environment for Teaching Single and Multi-queuing Theory: Industrial Engineering Queuing Theory Concepts. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Salt Lake City, UT.
Hamilton, M. A., Jaradat, R. M., Wall, E. S., Jones, P. B., Ray, D., & Dayarathna, V. (2018). Learning Industrial Engineering Concepts with Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences. Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference. Orlando, FL.
Hamilton, M. A., Jones, P. B., & Wall, E. S. (2018). Using Virtual Reality for Decision Reduction Visualizations of Large Datasets. Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference. Orlando, FL.
Hamilton, M. A., Jaradat, R. M., Jones, P. B., Wall, E. S., Dayarathna, V., Ray, D., & Hsu, G. (2018). Immersive Virtual Training Environment for Teaching Single and Multi-queuing Theory: Industrial Engineering Queuing Theory Concepts. 2018 ASEE Annual Conference and Exposition. Salt Lake City, UT.
Hamilton, M. A., Jaradat, R. M., Wall, E. S., Jones, P. B., Ray, D., & Dayarathna, V. (2018). Learning Industrial Engineering Concepts with Immersive Virtual Reality Experiences. Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference. Orlando, FL.
Hamilton, M. A., Jones, P. B., & Wall, E. S. (2018). Using Virtual Reality for Decision Reduction Visualizations of Large Datasets. Industrial and Systems Engineering Conference. Orlando, FL.